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25th May 2010 Edition 3


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AECv1.0 Created By Eran Miller
Please remember, for all these events to happen we need help from our parents


Dear PTA Members

“ Each and every parent is a member of the PTA the day their child starts school, how you choose to use that membership is up to you”

Where is this year going, only a few weeks ago we had put planning of the summer fair on the back burner because it was months away and her it is just around the corner.

The disco raised £550, money which the PTA will contribute to the Year 6 leavers bash being organized for July, don’t ask what it is its a secret !!! A number of last years leavers who went to St Edmund’s joined us to help at the disco and it is envisaged we will have another big handful for the fair, news the committee were thrilled with, many hands, light work etc and it is lovely to see the ongoing commitment ex pupils have for the school.

The event was a great success, DJ Julie did us proud again with music, games and dance challenges during which we saw some very impressive moves.

There is a dedicated group who are working hard to bring a fun calendar of PTA events together with the next one being the Summer Fair in July.

Already the fair is promising to be a great day out, we have a whole range of stalls, jewelry, toys, cosmetics, sweets, and much more. We have negotiated a great deal on Buckwells burgers and sausages for the BBQ as well as Jacket potatoes and candy floss. We will have circus skills, face painting, tombolla, jarbolla, bouncy castles, hook-a-duck, cream teas, the list is endless.

The committee has agreed to use monies raised in support of the playground project which should see us enjoying a new play trail, climbing equipment, a sailing ship, check out the notice board for an idea of what it will look like.

Currently the PTA have £3K which is a good working pot of money which will be used for the benefit of our school.

As ever we need your help and support to make things happen, we have the next PTA meeting on Tuesday 15 June in the Florence Pub at 19.30, it would be great to see some new faces, not that there’s anything wrong with the old ones who I have come to love dearly but the task is large. Failing that and it is tough getting to the meetings, if you can support the events on the day let the team know and we can make sure we have your details and allocate you a job on the day.

In the meantime for sight of what is on the agenda take a look at

And if you want to get in touch please feel free to do so via the web site.

very best wishes

Joann Paul Maria Clare

Your PTA Committee

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